
Your refund will be issued within 4 -6 weeks.

Your credit is calculated according to your service price.

Your credit will be reflected on your next invoice.

On a monthly basis, you will receive your statement invoice to reflect any credits, payments or charges. If you did not receive your credit, please email us at accountsrecievable@ajblosekski.com.

If your trash or recycle was not collected within 72 hours, an automatic credit will be applied to your account and reflected on your next invoice. If it is the last week of the month, this may not reflect until the following month.

As part of our long-term strategy to improve service, we recently executed a reroute in our private subscription areas, leading to a change in service days for certain customers. This transition, compounded by two weather-related delays, has resulted in increased call volumes and longer than normal hold times. In addition, drivers are still learning their new routes. We anticipate operations will return to normal in the near future and want to thank our customers for their patience during this transition. Please check the map on our homepage if you are unsure what your new collection day is.